The "but with" reference confirming the justification was solely discrimination against men. They were nasty and antagonistic to me when I was an undergraduate there and I just tried to ignore it and avoid the Aberystwyth people. I stayed within the safety of my student friends.
I didn't realise it was sexism against men.
I've always been popular with men. I'm not apologising for it!
St.Martin's church; Birmingham Bull ring; 1/2/23; 09.35
You see your best grades are counted 3 times in the calculation of your degree so if that's a double module its counted 6 times. There was clearly collusion to undergrade me because the reference I received is full of guilt! There is no such thing as honest criticism: if somebody doesn't like you Its because they've done something to you. It's called lessening the overt act. They've got to make you nothing otherwise they have to acknowledge the guilt of what they've done.
You slag off a horse but just don't find out that it's the kindest most considerate horse in the whole stable and is usually reserved for children and the disabled...
I didn't have much to do with the staff.
The young Welsh students were tolerant of other nationalities and differences in people.
The reference says:
It says "he was then a sound, but not an outstanding lawyer". Firstly, it is incorrect grammar to put a comma after sound and before but. This is a sentence if you take the comma out. It isn't a sentence with a comma in it. What more proof do you need that the only reason for this bad reference is because I had lots of male friends BUT I had female friends; Welsh, International and black friends. I'm not intolerant of people like the Aberystwyth staff.
Look at the code in this false reference: (looking at the reference) there are 3 unnecessary double barreled links between words before he mentions "but with". In English grammar these links are not needed. It draws your attention to 2 sets of words. But with makes no grammatical sense in that sentence but if you know old Scottish terminology it means males having anal sex with each other.
It took me ages to find out what "but with" means. I came across it as secret knowledge known to Masons. It was in a freemasons book. Not being a Mason myself I wouldn't have known this.
In a dis-related matter, Richard Ireland uses roman numerals in a section of the date but writes 31 not in roman numerals. Doesn't he know roman numerals for 31? So that leaves 2 digits which are ; that's 2!
XXXI is 31
I've since studied 2 one year courses and I received the following grades:
Birmingham University; French level 2: in the exam I was awarded 63% (2.1)
Warwick University; Psychology certificate: Upper 2.1 (2 out of 3 papers were graded 67 and 68%)
14Sept23-Hagley hall; Bewdley
I'd previously studied in Southampton before going to Aberystwyth. I had no problems with locals, any staff or a negative atmosphere towards me until I went to Aberystwyth.
I don't know why they accepted me to go to Aberystwyth because they were horrible to me right from the start.
I think one of the reasons was because I came from an English University.
In reality I generally had a happy time with my student friends. We got on well and there was a nice atmosphere; but I didn't really engage with the staff or the locals.
I didn't go to Aberystwyth because of the reputation of the staff or the locals. I honestly thought, at the time, that it would be relaxing to study a law degree by the sea. In reality I was much happier and more relaxed studying in a city because for one it was a much friendlier, supportive and nicer environment.
There is a strange atmosphere in Aberystwyth: I don't know whether it's because Aberystwyth is an isolated community by the sea.
On a sunny holiday a coastal town is idyllic but a holiday is only good because it is temporary. If you are on holiday all the time it's not the same.
In the first year my personal tutor was Diane Rowland. Diane Rowland was teaching 3 subjects in the 2nd year but she palmed me off in my 2nd year to a horrible man who overtly didnt like me so she clearly didnt like me either..
My 2nd year personal tutor said to me: "I don't like the way you're looking at me" when I was talking to him; I was contemplating whether to be a barrister or a solicitor.
But Diane Rowland obviously didn't like me either which is further evidenced by the fact that she was one of the lecturers who awarded me 55% for my final year double modules along with exactly the same grade for all my double modules from other lecturers including an open book double module exam.
In my final year I was given Richard Ireland as a personal tutor (a man whose staff photo in the law department pictured him with a pigeon on his shoulder - yeah more odd behaviour). Again Diane Rowland was available and she passed me over again but this time to pigeon toed.
Diane Rowland was also a subject tutor in my final year and we had a small group lecture in the lecture room in the law library. She asked the class a question and nobody answered; and she said "come on even my children would know this" so I bet she was thrilled when I answered the question!
All my double modules in the final year were marked 55%. Double modules over the period of my degree were some of my lowest grades because if they go into your top grades they are counted 6 times towards the calculation of your degree.
And finally
On graduation day I went on to the podium to receive my degree and when I turned around Diane Rowland and the company law lecturer were sat down at the back smiling at me.
Both of them were my lecturers that year and had graded me 55% for my double modules and I had also been graded 55% for my third double module I'd taken that year. All 3 were graded 55%.
I'd taken double modules so I could focus on a smaller number of subjects to give myself a better chance at getting a higher grade.
The company law lecturer in the final year was poor. One female student had complained to me that she couldn't understand what they were saying. This lecturer was foreign, I don't know Russian or something, but their pronunciation of English was very poor and it was difficult to understand what they were saying. Surely the first requisite to being appointed is that you are able to speak English!
We are not xenophobic but my German friends could speak perfect Englsh; I've had more difficulty understanding someone from Liverpool.
And they would employ local female students to take seminar groups. Again, female students complained to me about being taught by members of their own student group.
When I took the module "dissertation" the senior lecturer told everyone in the class that there is "nothing new under the sun". Well this is terrible witchcraft because it hits at the point of survival. The mind is a problem solving machine and the only way it can survive is to find solutions to problems relating to survival. In order to do this the mind has to be creative in using things it has learned. In essence the phrase says in witchcraft "there are no solutions to survival".
Look: if you build a sandcastle it is your creation. You created it! It is irrelevant whether 10 million kids have built sandcastles on the beach in the years before you. Even if it is the same as a sandcastle built at weston super mare in 1945; it is still your creation.
In fact being told copying is wrong is bad for you. The best creative artists copy from everything. Copying is so important that when you stop using things in your creations you are not long for this world when you do so. Duplication is an essential characteristic of survival.
And this thing about getting one over on people via the back door with witchcraft. You know what the definition of witchcraft is dont you. It is that which you are unaware of.
Well in historical terms witchcraft was a tactic used by marginalised groups in society. Don't shoot the messenger but the people who resorted to it were simple unintelligent people and unfortunately because it was a man's world it was also used by women.
Grading of males
3 examples:
my friend had 1 girlfriend and got a 2.1
My other friend slept around with Aberystwyth women and got a third
I was not interested in any Aberystwyth women and got a 2.2 and a career destroying reference.
3 coincidences relating to how men relate to women in Aberystwyth.
That is a suppressive tactic against selective males. But how do you know if you come up on the Aberystwyth suppressive radar when the community is like a goldfish bowl? You can't hide in Aberystwyth!
It's a close knit community
What they see down at the Glen goes straight back to your lecturers.
If you're going to study in a gold fish bowl say goodbye to a private life and hello to gossips with too much time on their hands.
Aberystwyth was the only educational establishment I had problems with.
What 20 year old knows anything about Masons?
If you have an in-depth knowledge of masonry and you are writing career destroying references about young males then you are not someone who likes men.
That reference is suppressive; which indicates the people there are anti-social personalities; they like to keep others down.
I can't believe I turned down the opportunity to do my law degree at Coventry University to go to Aberystwyth. I feel like a right chump now.